
AOPC Judicial Education Department

601 Commonwealth Avenue  Suite 1500

P.O. Box 61260

Harrisburg  PA  17106

Pennsylvania Continuing Judicial Education Board

Please Log In to View Updated CJE Compliance Information Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic


Call:  (717) 231-3311


Judge Faqs

ThePACJEB wants to do more than just track and regulate your CJE requirements – We want to make compliance easy.

Judge FAQs

Please contact us if you have questions concerning approval of a seminar, approval of teaching credit or the Annual Report of Compliance.
E-mail: Phone:(717) 231-3311

Click on the Question to expand the answer. For a fully expanded version of theJudge FAQs please see the PRINTABLE VERSION

The current requirement is a total of twelve (12) credits including a minimum of three (3) hours of continuing judicial education in judicial ethics and nine (9) hours in judicial practice and related areas annually. Beginning in 2018, four (4) of the annual CJE requirements shall be earned through courses offered by the AOPC's Judicial Education Department.
As of January 1, 2017, commissioned judges serving the Philadelphia Municipal Court, the Courts of Common Pleas, the Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania, the Superior Court of Pennsylvania and the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania and certified senior judges must complete a program of continuing judicial education.
The annual compliance deadline is December 31st.
All preapproved CJE courses are listed on the PACJEB website But remember, after taking a pre-approved course, you have to send in the PACJEB attendance form so that we can credit your record accordingly. The course provider should supply you with the attendance form. If not, contact the Judicial Education Department and we will send you one. Remember, judges are responsible for self-reporting all continuing judicial education activities.
Maybe. You will have to submit an accreditation request to the PA CJE Board of Judges within 30 days after the course. Under limited circumstances, the Board may approve a course offered by a non-accredited provider depending on the topic and the intended audience. Course Accreditation Request Forms can be found on the PACJEB website.
Four (4) of the annual CJE requirement may be earned through CJE Board approved teaching or alternative education activities.
Four (4) of the annual CJE requirement may be earned through approved computer-based or distance education courses where a moderator is present and there is interactivity.
Judges must self-report using the appropriate CJE form within thirty (30) days of completing the activity.
A Judge may carry forward a balance of credit hours in excess of the current annual CJE requirement, including satellite, computer based and distance learning credits, which shall retain their character as such for the succeeding reporting year. No more than one (1) times the current annual CJE requirement may be carried forward into the succeeding reporting year. Carry forward credits retain the same attributes (judicial ethics, distance learning, AOPC/JED, etc.) which they would have had if used in the year in which they were earned. No CJE credit may be carried forward more than one (1) succeeding reporting year.
The Supreme Court's Order establishes AOPC/Judicial Education credits as distinct from those earned through the biannual meetings of the Pennsylvania Conference of State Trial Judges or through other accredited providers. To assist AOPC/Judicial Education in further developing this aspect of the CJE program, we reached out to the nine law schools in the Commonwealth with the goal of involving the schools and their respective universities in a more formal partnership. At present, all nine law schools have agreed to partner with us in developing this aspect of the CJE program. We are making every attempt to develop programs that meet the varied needs of the judiciary and to make these programs accessible. Available AOPC Judicial Education Department courses may be found in the course search section of this website. For your convenience, we have created a Quick Link section for the AOPC/JED Courses on the left side of the course search screen Each course developed through these partnerships will combine a multi-disciplinary approach with an adjudication exercise. The adjudication exercise is designed to illustrate how the issues arise in court and asks the jurist to make rulings at pivotal decision points. Most AOPC Judicial Education Department courses are offered live and online with interaction available.
The site allows you to log in securely and access information, such as your CJE transcript and compliance status in real time. You are also able to use the website to search for upcoming CJE courses that are accredited by the CJE Board of Judges. In addition, in accordance with Section 12 of the Supreme Court's Order, the CJE Board must provide every judge with their preliminary compliance status three (3) months prior to the final day of the calendar year and a final compliance notice within 60 days from the end of the calendar year.
Yes. It is a good idea to record all CJE activities with our department. It will provide you with a concise record of all your CJE activities for future reference. It will also build confidence in the judiciary by showing how Pennsylvania judges far exceed the minimum requirement.
In accordance with Rule 604. (a) If, after notification by the Department that a judge has failed to comply with these rules, or is determined to be deficient in his or her CJE requirement, such judge shall be notified in writing by the Board or Department of the nature of such noncompliance, and shall be given one hundred eighty (180) days from the date of the notice to remedy such noncompliance. (b) Within one hundred eighty (180) days of a notice of noncompliance, a noncompliant judge must provide evidence of compliance or request a hearing before the Board. (c) If, in response to a notice of noncompliance, a judge timely files a request for a hearing, the Board shall schedule a hearing pursuant to Rule 605. (d) If the Board finds that the judge had reasonable cause for noncompliance, the judge shall have one hundred eighty (180) days from the date of notice of the Board’s decision to correct the noncompliance. If compliance is not achieved without good cause shown within such period, the Board shall report the judge and the fact of the judge's noncompliance to the Supreme Court and to the Judicial Conduct Board. (e) If a judge has been found by the Board to be in noncompliance with these rules, before a judge may be deemed compliant, the judge must have satisfied any prior years of noncompliance, unless any period thereof has been subject to waiver, not to exceed two (2) years worth of credits. Curing noncompliance is in addition to any current year requirements. (f) Credit hours earned shall first be applied to satisfy the requirements of the compliance period which was the subject of the notice to the judge before any excess credits claimed may be applied to other requirements.
Rule 501(d) Judges Leaving Active Service. 1. General Rule. All judges must complete the CJE requirements for each year of active service. 2. Pro Rata Credits. When a judge leaves active service before the end of a full calendar year, CJE requirements shall be pro-rated as follows: i. if separation occurs after September 1, 12 credits: 3 of which must be ethics and 4 of which must be developed by or under the supervision of the Department; ii. if separation occurs between July 1 and August 31: 9 credits, 3 of which must be ethics and 3 of which must be developed by or under the supervision of the Department; iii. if separation occurs between April 1 and June 30: 6 credits; 2 of which must be ethics and 2 of which must be developed by or under the supervision of the Department; iv. if separation occurs before March 31, all CJE requirements for that calendar year shall be waived.