
AOPC Judicial Education Department

601 Commonwealth Avenue  Suite 1500

P.O. Box 61260

Harrisburg  PA  17106

Pennsylvania Continuing Judicial Education Board

Please Log In to View Updated CJE Compliance Information Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic


Call:  (717) 231-3311


About Us

Welcome to the Pennsylvania Contininuing Judicial Education Board About Us Page.

We Make Compliance Meaningful and Manageable

PACJEB wants to help you find CJE programming that is timely, convenient and relevant.


Course Reviewing

We provide a more efficient method of reviewing your courses and how they are applied to your record. Once finalized, this new website and its new automated services will help us achieve these goals.


Approved Providers

Continuing Judicial Education in Pennsylvania will only be as strong as its Presumptively Approved Providers. Please utilize the main menu to access information, forms, frequently asked questions and other material relevant to providing Continuing Judicial Education


Education Simplified

Please utilize the main menu to access information, forms, frequently asked questions and other material relevant to completing your Pennsylvania Continuing Judicial Education requirements.

Do you have questions?

Thank you for visiting the Pennsylvania Continuing Judicial Education Board website. Please contact us here for additional information.